
ROA “로아” means a beautiful smile in Korean. This word was used in naming our medical spa as it captures the essence of services and products that are offered. Our mission is to provide aesthetic care that will bring out your best youthful features without deadening or freezing the look. We want you to smile. Smile naturally like a two year old who is not concerned about anything in the world. Smile with confidence because you are happy with your look. To us, that is a beautiful smile.

ROA CLINIC was founded by Dr. Chloe with a mission to provide the most intimate, exclusive care to provide you the personalized plan to enhance your looks, rejuvenate the skin and prevent the signs of aging. All the ROA clients will have a one-on-one MD-level consultation with Dr. Chloe and formulate the plan together. ROA CLINIC is not a place where you come in and get Botox or Filler injection to simply “fix” your wrinkles. You will truly get a holistic approach in bettering your look like you have not done before.

With the extreme level of meticulousness to the point of obsessiveness, Dr. Chloe has been curating all the aesthetic techniques and skin care products that will work for you. With a degree in medicine, she understands the anatomy of facial skin and muscles, the science behind product ingredients, and the benefits and risks of rejuvenation technology. Dr. Chloe also makes sure that she bring in services and products that only work! There is no single item or service offered at ROA CLINIC she has not tried on herself.

Finally, as a physician, she cares about the safety of her clients. She will ensure that adverse events are minimized and would not provide any service that she deems risk-prone.

Even if you are not sure which treatments to receive, you can always come in for consultation only. You will be impressed with Dr. Chloe’s knowledge in aesthetics and her dedication to you.

Meet Dr. Chloe H. Kim


Dr. Chloe H. Kim is a board-certified physician. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and completed her residency at Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center. She has many years of experience in diagnosing and treating patients at academic and community hospitals. She is known for her meticulous approach in diagnosing and providing the comprehensive care for each patient.

What drives Dr. Chloe to the point of obsession aside from taking care of her patients is her interest in facial harmonization and balance. For the last fifteen years, she has been intrigued and passionate about how to achieve facial harmonization, restore and maintain youthfulness, and improve overall skin quality. She had traveled around the world to seek various procedures that would provide youthful look. She had been fascinated when procedures worked greatly but on many occasions, she had been sorely disappointed. She had personal experience of over-treated forehead and disproportionate lip. This sort of “fixing” or “freezing” experience led her on the personal mission to help others to provide the most harmonizing way to provide the youthful look.


So far, she has had exceptional training in the anesthetic world. She had privilege of training under talented and renowned aesthetic clinicians: Dr. Tim Pearce (at SkinViva, one of top UK aesthetic clinics), Dr. Kay Durairaj (a renowned plastic surgeon in California), and Rana Kennelly (at the Confidence Lab in Illinois). Dr. Chloe also has attended many seminars and clinics in the world on an annual basis to keep her skills and knowledge up to date. By utilizing various aspects of aesthetics and rejuvenation techniques, Dr. Chloe would like to work with you to restore your youthful features.

On her spare time, Dr. Chloe likes to hang out with her family: equally hustling, sometimes annoying husband, cutest but cantankerous daughter, and adorable but lazy two Bernedoodles. They like to travel together, go to restaurants together, and relax together. Finally, Dr. Chloe spends the rest of her spare time in eating properly and working out to look the best and feel the best. She will try to instill the other aspects of rejuvenation (mind, nutrition, fitness, and health) to her client in the next chapter of her business journey. Stay tuned.

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